We’ve already established that an ant infestation is one of the worst pest problems. They are very persistent and hard to get rid of. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, it’s simply impossible to exterminate them. However, there are ways we can deal with this problem if you don’t want to hire a pest control company.
Our last tips and tricks on dealing with ants were related to food sources and ant spies. You need to keep these two pieces of advice in mind, because they are very helpful. And since we all know that the best defense is a good offense, our next advice is to go out and try to find the nest. All ant – hills have a queen, just like bees. If you kill the queen, you can consider this fight won. The queen is always bigger than the other ants (even three times bigger) and they can also have wings. If you see a bigger ant you should definitely exterminate it, as that is the queen. Once she is taken care of, the ant colony will not become larger and it will be easier to deal with. You should also know that queens don’t usually surface, unless they are looking for a new home. They normally live at the bottom of the hill. One great way of dealing with an ant extermination– hill, once you’ve found it is to pour hot water over it. Take into account that the colony may be much larger than you expect, so you should definitely pour a considerable amount of water over it, just to make sure that it will leave no ant still standing, and to ensure that the water will also reach the queen. Given the fact that ants are extremely small, they can work their way almost in any crack, no matter how narrow it is. This is exactly why you should work on isolating every corner of your house. Try to cover every gap and every space ants could crawl through, especially the spaces from your doors and windows. Since they come from outside, it is crucial that they don’t have an easy way to get in. Actually, it would be ideal if they had no way to go through at all. You should also check you light switch and your electric plugs, because, believe it or not, ants can find their way into those cracks as well. So far, we’ve taught you that you need to keep your place clean and crumb – free, that you need to keep an eye out for spies, that you need to start looking for the colony and how to exterminate it and that you need to ant – proof your place. However, there are plenty of other things you can do in case your home gets invaded by ants. We will make sure to give you other, even more useful tips in our future articles. Comments are closed.
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December 2021